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Audiences / Not-for-profits

Be there when they
need you most

Not-for-profits exist to serve those most in need regardless of future disasters. In today’s changing world it’s more important than ever before that not-for-profits are resilient and ready to stay in business.

This requires a new approach to doing better (not-for-profit) business.

We work with not-for-profits to embed resilience capabilities across organisations so they can continue to deliver key services before, during and after any kind of disaster impact.

We work with:

  • Small NFPs (1–19 employees)
  • Medium NFPs (20–199 employees)
  • Large NFPs (200+ employees)

how we can help you

Solutions that build disaster resilience

Our Resilient Ready solutions bring economic and social benefits to your organisation – in the good times and bad.

Ready to get started?