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Insights / TOOLKIT

Staying solvent, staying in business…

By rebecca lang


Aug 25 2022


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It was exciting to be invited to speak as part of the Business NSW Subject Matter Expert Series on ‘Solvency, Sustainability and Growth’ in the Northern Rivers on 18 August.

The Resilient Ready team attended the Northern Rivers Business Hub for the event, hosted by Jane Laverty, Business NSW Regional Manager for Northern Rivers, who we have been closely working with as part of the Business Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit roll-out.

There was a strong turn-out – it was great to see so many regional businesspeople ready to tackle such a seemingly daunting topic in light of recent events.

Resilient Ready founder Renae Hanvin spoke about the BCR Toolkit program alongside Natalie Mitchell, a business consultant and advisor.

Natalie was a knowledgeable speaker and spoke about how important it is for businesses to know – and be across – their financial position. And, also, how important it is for businesses who are struggling or at risk of insolvency to do something about it as soon as possible, because the longer you wait the fewer options you have.

Renae reminded attendees of their importance to their local community as connectors and collaborators, and why it was critical they prepare for disasters to be in a strong position to deal with disruptions.

“You need to work on your business, not just in your business,” Renae said.

“And this is where our BCR Toolkit is so useful – it can give businesses that easy to understand, bite-sized starting point for doing things differently.

The BCR Toolkit is also about building back the confidence in businesspeople so that they can do their business well and keep contributing to their community.


“If the disaster events of this year alone have taught us anything, it’s that we must be prepared for the worst because the worst is possible.”

Our BCR Toolkit ends in northern and southern NSW on 30 September, but there is still time to register and participate here:

Resilient Ready is a social enterprise delivering innovative solutions to enable every organisation to thrive before, during and after disasters. To keep updated on news and current projects, sign up to our newsletter.