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Insights / findings report

Stronger Communities, Brighter Futures

By renae hanvin

July 9 2024

Findings from a 6-month project delivered by certified social enterprise Resilient Ready and Professor Daniel Aldrich have positioned social capital and social infrastructure measurement and investment as the “missing piece” in building state-wide resilience in South Australia and across the country.

Funded by SAFECOM under the Disaster Risk Reduction grant program, the ‘Delivering a South Australian Snapshot on Social Capital’ project Findings Report identified:


  1. Interest in measuring people connections (social capital) and places people connect (social infrastructure) beyond the emergency management sector, enhances social and environmental outcomes for all communities.
  2. How social capital and social infrastructure data can also benefit communities in tackling everyday situations such as loneliness and isolation, a wide-spread legacy of Covid-19, which can lead to depression.
  3. An appetite across all stakeholders to measure social capital and social infrastructure to understand where the gaps lie and use this data to strengthen South Australian communities before, during and after disasters.


Included in the snapshot project Findings Report are 5 strategic recommendations to guide South Australian government, emergency services and non-government leaders.

This project begins an exciting journey for South Australia, where data to strengthen people connections and places people connect will contribute to the State’s systemic approach to resilience – before, during and after disaster events.

Funded under the Disaster Risk Reduction grants program this project is funded by the Australian Government and the South Australian Government. Views and findings associated with this initiative/project are expressed independently and do not necessarily represent the views of State and Commonwealth funding bodies.

Resilient Ready is a social enterprise delivering innovative solutions to enable every organisation to thrive before, during and after disasters. To keep updated on news and current projects, sign up to our newsletter.