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Projects / Current Projects

Building Better Business in St Arnaud

KEY information
September 2023 to March 2024

Local businesses on Napier St, St Arnaud
Non-business stakeholders

Helping businesses at risk to connect, survive and thrive

Resilient Ready is excited to collaborate with stakeholders from St Arnaud in Victoria to build connections and resilience within the local business community.

Prompted by the October 2022 floods, this project will see us work with local business owners to identify common goals and opportunities to increase knowledge and capabilities in:

  • business sustainability
  • disaster preparedness
  • social capital

It’s all about understanding the capabilities and challenges of local businesses and setting them on a collective path towards success.

About the project


From September 2023 to March 2024, Resilient Ready will work closely with local businesses, Northern Grampians Shire Council and other key stakeholders to develop a two-year strategic action plan for Napier Street businesses.

Project Deliverables include:

  • Discovery research interviews with non-business stakeholders
  • Local business community launch event
  • 1:1 discussions with all Napier Street business people
  • Findings Report and two-year Action Plan or ‘Roadmap’

We're excited to co-design a strategic solution with local business people to benefit the St Arnaud community.

Bekah Baynard-Smith
Program Coordinator

Local business participation


If you’re a local business owner or operator, we welcome you to get involved.

Upcoming event:

Roadmap Launch: 22 March 2024 | 5.30 – 7.30pm | Mulligan’s Music | RSVP here.


Past activities:

  • Launch event: 27 Nov | 5.30 – 6.30pm | The Shire Café
  • 1:1 business interviews: 28 – 30 Nov
  • Drop-in: 1 Dec | 8 – 11am | Parkview Bakery
  • Roadmap workshop: 12 Feb 2024 | 5.30 – 7pm | The Perry Room


Keep up to date on the project progress

  • Revisit this Project Page for updates.


The Building Better Business in St Arnaud Project is generously funded by the Victorian Government and Commonwealth Government under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements (DFRA) through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s Community Recovery Hub Program. This funding is in response to the October 2022 Floods which impacted communities in the Northern Grampians Shire Council.

Views and findings associated with this project are expressed independently and do not necessarily represent the views of State and Commonwealth funding bodies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the project?

Prompted by the October 2022 floods, this project will see us work with local business owners to identify common goals and opportunities to increase knowledge and capabilities in:

  • business sustainability
  • disaster preparedness
  • social capital


From September 2023 to March 2024, Resilient Ready will work closely with local businesses, Northern Grampians Shire Council and other key stakeholders to develop a two-year strategic action plan for Napier Street businesses.

Project Deliverables include:

  • Discovery research interviews with non-business stakeholders
  • Local business community launch event
  • 1:1 discussions with all Napier Street business people
  • Findings Report and two-year Action Plan
Who is the project for?

All businesses operating on Napier Street and surrounds are invited to be part of this project.

We strongly encourage non-business stakeholders such as emergency services organisations, Council, tourism groups and other community organisations to be involved as well.

How is the project funded?

The Building Better Business in St Arnaud Project is generously funded by the Victorian Government and Commonwealth Government under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements (DFRA) through Emergency Recovery Victoria’s Community Recovery Hub Program. This funding is in response to the October 2022 Floods which impacted communities in the Northern Grampians Shire Council.

Who is delivering this project?

Resilient Ready is leading the delivery of this project, with the support of Northern Grampians Shire Council (Economic Development and Emergency Recovery/Community Development)

Interested in this project??

Contact us to discover how we can tailor a solution to benefit your local business community:

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