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SOLUTIONS / Micro-tools

A range of bite-sized tools created by people just like you

We understand how confusing and complex just the idea of disaster preparedness and resilience can be. We also know that most people don’t have time, budget or headspace to put it as a priority.

That’s why we’ve packaged up our learnings and experiences into micro-learning tools suitable for every type of business or not-for-profit.

We focus on:

  • Business viability and sustainability
  • Steps to prepare for disasters
  • Building social ties and connections

Our online tools are designed to help you, your organisation and your community get resilient and ready for the future – one step at a time!


Choose a micro-tool that’s just right for you

We offer a range of online tools to help every person from any type of organisation.

Discover our:

  • Mini-modules for quick steps
  • Themed webinars for a deeper dive
  • eBooks coming soon
  • Bespoke bundles upon request


We are now working with industry groups on bespoke bundles for members. Ask us how!

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SOLUTIONS / Micro-tools