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Executive team reset to benefit your people and performance

Our Resilient Ready Reset solution puts resilience at the centre of your everyday agenda. We bring your leadership team together to identify capabilities, gaps and opportunities.

We assist you to PreventPreparePromote and Protect your organisation with a holistic approach to business and community resilience. We enable all business functions to understand and commit to a new culture of resilience, that is ready for future business success.

The program is aligned with International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards and global blueprints.

It prompted us to think about things in different ways.

Anthea Hammon
Managing Director at Scenic World

broad benefits

A Resilient Ready Reset will create your organisation’s roadmap to:

  • understand and embed resilience
  • build a culture of preparedness
  • strengthen collaborative leadership
  • increase community brand equity
  • reduce risks associated with multiple disasters
  • drive efficiencies and savings
  • educate and connect employees.

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Our Methodology

Supporting everyone to embed resilience

Our process supports every person in any size or type of business to self-identify gaps and opportunities in organisational resilience and community resilience.

A focus on Prevent, Prepare, Promote and Protect enables all business functions to build understanding and commitment to a resilient contribution to future success.


Get your business ready for the multiple disasters and disruptions ahead.

Understand Your Business

Discover your critical operations and what is essential to your organisation staying in business.

Know Your Risks

Lead future success with positive risks while reducing disastrous impacts from negative risks.


Know what it takes to thrive through future disasters and disruptions.

Plan Your Response

Businesses ready for future disruptions prepare their people, policies and processes before impact.

Build Your Networks

Resilient businesses are connected internally and externally via bonding, bridging and linking social ties.


Foster internal and external interactions and conversations about disaster resilience.

Strategically Engage

Build trust with your stakeholders that you will be there when they need you most.

Continuously Communicate

A business communicating resilience everyday will lead through the chaos.


Commit to an everyday culture of resilience by embedding it into business as usual.

Holistically Engage

Resilience-focused businesses strategically prioritise readiness across all functions.

Effectively Sustain

Resilience must be a prioritised long-term commitment to bring beneficial outcomes.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Resilient Ready Reset?

A Resilient Ready Reset is a three-step solution to help every Corporate or Council get ahead of future disasters and disruptions.

We bring your leadership team together to identify capabilities, gaps and opportunities.

Our strategic focus on Prevent, Prepare, Promote and Protect will empower all business units to build understanding and make a commitment to resilience.

Aligned with ISO Standards, AIDR Handbooks and global UNDRR and SDGs, we embed resilience in your people.

How does it work?

Completed in four weeks, we high-level audit your organisation, develop a tailored reset roadmap and suggest internal resource-led initiatives to build resilience, your way.

Step 1

We host a 1.5 hour Reset Audit Workshop with your senior managers. We ask 10 questions across each of our eight Resilient Ready categories to assess high-level capabilities, gaps and opportunities. No pre-work is required.

Step 2

We deliver a Reset Report with tailored recommendations, including a roadmap. You’ll receive a score to identify what is working well and where improvements need to be made.

Step 3

We host a 1 hour Reset Roadmap Workshop to plan your activation towards everyday resilience. Our primary focus is to empower organisations to implement resilience solutions from within. We are available for follow-up implementation support if required.

Workshops are available online or onsite.

What are the benefits to an organisation?

Communities are facing disasters that are more frequent, more destructive and more impactful. Building resilience into your daily operations can no longer be an afterthought.

The Resilient Ready Reset helps identify practical recommendations to be activated by your people, to benefit your organisation and your community.


Let’s reset your organisation

Connect with us to find out more about the benefits a Resilient Ready Reset would bring to your organisation.

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