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Micro-tools / Understand Your Business

Mini Module: Small Disasters Reflection

$25.00 AUD
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Can Small Disasters Reflection help your business or not-for-profit?

Yes, it sure can! This mini module will help you reflect on past small disasters and what you can do now to get ready for if they happen again.

Taking a few minutes to reflect on small disasters that have negatively impacted you in the past can help you get resilient and ready for the future.

In this 5-10 minute mini module we focus on:

  • Reflecting about small disasters that have impacted your business or not-for-profit in the past
  • What you learnt or changed following the small disaster
  • What you need to do today if the small disaster was bigger tomorrow


Who is this tool for?

This mini module is perfect for everyone from any type of organisation including self-employed, owners and operators or managers of micro and small businesses including not-for-profits. If you are currently in business or thinking about it for the future, this tool is for you!

What will I receive?

Upon purchase you’ll receive immediate access to tools that will help you think different and do different when it comes to reflecting on small disasters. This includes:

  • A short video
  • A downloadable PDF worksheet

Watch the video and complete the PDF worksheet to help your organisation thrive.

Why should I purchase this mini module?

Past experiences can always teach us how we can do things differently should it happen again. That’s no different for a business or not-for-profit.

This mini module will help you think differently about small disasters that can quickly become a big problem for a business or not-for-profit.

You may also benefit from our Understand Small Disasters mini module alongside this one.

All our mini modules are about helping your business to thrive in the good times, and survive the hard times. And who doesn’t want to do better business!

Are there other mini modules relevant to me?

Yes! We are updating our online tools with new topics during the year and will be promoting these via our Facebook and Instagram pages. You can also sign up to our monthly eNewsletter.

Where can I get help?

Reach out to the Resilient Ready team anytime via [email protected] and we’ll get back to you within 48 business hours.


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