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Audiences / Small Business

Make resilience
part of everyday

Small businesses account for 90% of global companies yet are the group most vulnerable to disaster impacts.

Around 40% of small businesses will never reopen following a major disaster event – devastating lives and livelihoods across communities.

A resilient small business is ready to thrive in the good times and survive future disasters. Our micro-learning approach helps small business owners and operators take positive steps towards doing business better.

We work with:

  • micro businesses (1–3 employees)
  • small businesses (4–19 employees)
  • place-based small business communities
  • industry-focused small business communities

We can help you take
small steps

A leading advocate in small business community resilience, we are actively driving outcomes to help small businesses thrive.

We help small business owners, operators and employees take small steps to build knowledge and change their business behaviours for the better.

We focus on:

  • Business viability and sustainability
  • Steps to prepare for disasters
  • Building social ties and connections

We also advocate at the national level on key areas such as insurance and social capital to help all small businesses thrive.

Read our Reports + White Papers or check out our Micro-tools for more!