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Insights / insurance

Ensuring preparedness through insuring business

By renae hanvin

August 1 2024

Planning and preparing for the impact of major disasters on you and your business can help you weather the tough times – and have a positive effect on your mental health.

Experiencing distress during a disaster or major business disruption is perfectly normal, but by planning and preparing for the worst you can mitigate the emotional impact and move forward more quickly.

An important part of the planning and preparedness phase is having the right kind of insurance in place, which can go a long way to providing peace of mind.

Insurance can help a business bounce back more quickly, but you do need to read the fine print to make sure you have the right insurance in place.

Make sure you include your insurance provider as part of your emergency contacts list, and check your ABN details are correct to speed up government assistance.

Recently, Resilient Ready has been collaborating with the South Australian Office for Small and Family Business to highlight the importance of having the right insurance – and the right planning – in place.

During a 12-month project funded by SAFECOM’s Disaster Risk Reduction program, Resilient Ready ran Small Business Insurance Talks to explore experiences and attitudes to insurance in business communities across South Australia.

There is a clear link between making small businesses more sustainable, building resilience and strengthening local communities,” Resilient Ready Founder Renae Hanvin said.


Renae co-authored a White Paper sharing Resilient Ready’s findings and recommendations, which included ensuring insurance becomes a priority and a basic business foundation skill for SA businesses.

“Our work in South Australia could easily apply to any other state in Australia. Generally speaking, insurance literacy is poor, and negotiating policies can be confusing and daunting. And with cost-of-living pressures, affordability of insurance is now also becoming an issue.

“If you don’t have insurance then you need a plan for how your business will continue to operate – and you need to understand that not having insurance is a very real risk to your business.”

Resilient Ready has just released a range of new micro-tools to take the complexity out of preparedness. Check out our 10 Tips for Building a Resilient Business.

Resilient Ready is a social enterprise delivering innovative solutions to enable every organisation to thrive before, during and after disasters. To keep updated on news and current projects, sign up to our newsletter.