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Projects / Past Projects

BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria

KEY information

10 week project – April to June 2024


Tourism Midwest Victoria (TMV)
TMV Industry Partners
Local Government and Emergency Service Organisations

Helping businesses from tourism communities get disaster ready

Resilient Ready was excited to collaborate with Tourism Midwest Victoria to deliver a fully subsidised program to build resilient tourism business communities across Victoria’s Midwest region.

This innovative solution was tailor-made, designed to build localised resilience with TMV Industry Partners and other businesses and organisations that connect with visitors.

Benefits included:

  • Create your personalised business resilience toolkit
  • Upskill with 10 x 5-minute e-learning modules on topics like insurance, cyber security and understanding emergency warnings
  • Watch videos of local business people sharing their stories
  • Build regional connections with other people in business experiencing similar challenges to you

Download the flyer to find out more.

Join us to take small steps to get you, your business community and visitors ready for future disasters.

Bekah Baynard-Smith
Program Coordinator


The BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria program is funded by Tourism Midwest Victoria and co-delivered with Resilient Ready.


About the project

10 micro-learning modules were released weekly over 10 weeks from 15 April to 17 June 2024.

We also delivered in-person and online workshops to connect with business peers, TMV and Resilient Ready, and to drive conversations around tourism business resilience.

  • In-person workshop:
    17 April 2024, 10am – 12pm, Sovereign Park Motor Inn
  • Online workshops (via Zoom):
    22 May, 11am – 12pm
    12 June, 11am – 12pm


Frequently asked questions

What is the project?

The BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria program was a tailored version of Resilient Ready’s innovative Business Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit. The BCR Toolkit program builds regional connections and helps businesses to make small changes that have a big impact.

Running from April to June 2024, the BCR Toolkit program supported TMV Industry Partners, primarily micro and small businesses, to build their resilience through 10 resilience-themed micro-learning modules. All modules focused on a locally-relevant topic and took 5-10 minutes to complete. Modules included two simple yes/no questions, a local business case study and easy-to-understand worksheets and tools.

Target program outcomes included:

  • Safer tourists and tourism operators
  • Increased resilience skills and knowledge across the business community
  • Positive behaviour changes resulting in better business
  • Data to identify local business community vulnerabilities
Who is the project for?

The BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria program was FREE for all TMV Industry Partners in these Local Government Areas:

  • City of Ballarat
  • Pyrenees Shire
  • Golden Plains Shire
  • Moorabool Shire
  • Hepburn Shire

Target sectors included:

  • Accommodation
  • Food and beverage
  • Entertainment, attractions and retail
  • Tour and transport operations.
How is it funded?

The BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria project was made possible by Tourism Midwest Victoria.

Who is delivering the project?

The BCR Toolkit: Tourism Business Resilience in Midwest Victoria project was a collaboration between Resilient Ready and Tourism Midwest Victoria (TMV).

Interested in running the toolkit for your business community?

Check out our BCR Toolkit solution page and get in touch with us:

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