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SOLUTIONS  / Advisory

Let us guide
your business community to thrive

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Businesses are essential to communities. We know when local businesses thrive, communities do too.

At Resilient Ready, we provide advisory services to all stakeholders who are invested in building knowledge and capabilities across business communities.

Being independent and external, we co-design solutions that will suit place-based or industry-specific needs.

We regularly advise on:

  • Policy, program and framework development
  • Strategic preparedness and resilience planning
  • Business community roadmap development
  • Multi-stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • Issue-led research and recommendations
  • Business community audits
  • Workshop facilitation

Our solutions include:

If you are a government, council, industry body or business community group, let’s connect and talk about your needs.

Empowering local change to benefit all

We pride ourselves on earning trust and building respect from those within the communities we support. We never assume or dictate.

Our role is to identify capabilities, vulnerabilities and opportunities. We help solve problems and foster locally-led change.

We focus on:

  • Business viability and sustainability
  • Risk understanding and disaster preparedness
  • Local social ties and connections

Let us help empower your business communities including not-for-profits to connect and thrive.

Talk to us

Connect with us to discuss our Advisory services.

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