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SOLUTIONS / Workshops

Let your business community learn from each other


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Imagine if you had the opportunity to hear directly from a fellow business friend on how they were or were not ready for a disaster.

We know running a business or community organisation is challenging and preparing for unexpected disruptions is often put in the ‘too hard’ basket.

What if you had someone share their learnings and experiences so you can prepare like they did, or not make the same mistakes?

Our Resilient Ready Workshops connect people across your business community with experts ready to share what they know.

Topics can include:

  • Understanding disaster risks and emergency warnings
  • Connecting with Emergency Services
  • Identifying who’s the linchpin
  • Getting the right insurance
  • Transforming what you know into revenue
  • Dealing with intrusive media
  • Building local connections

Connect local leaders to learn together





Disaster risk reduction, preparedness and resilience need not be boring!

Our workshops help bring them to life while building connections and capabilities. We offer a diverse range of options to suit all stakeholders and organisations in the sector.

Examples include:

Our Resilient Ready specialists deliver workshops to suit your needs, be it online or in-person, from 1-hour to full-day or multi-day.

Let us help upskill your people to get ahead of future disruptions.


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