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SOLUTIONS / Toolkits

Get everyone in your community ready for future disasters


Find out more

Toolkits are our innovative solution focused on building knowledge and capabilities in 5-minute intervals.

Led by nudge-theory, our e-learning system helps business communities focus on:

  • Business viability and sustainability
  • Risk understanding and disaster preparedness
  • Strengthening social ties and connections

Toolkits can be funded by government, councils, industry or business groups – directly or via grants.

The toolkit has shown me small steps I can take to get my business ready for all types of disasters.

Eric Wolske
Business Owner at Eden Antiques

Choose a delivery option that’s right for your people


Resilient Ready Toolkits are agile in delivery with ‘Standard’ or ‘Bespoke’ options available.

We work with you to select the number and theme of modules to include, add past program or film new local case studies and run online or in-community workshops. Below outlines an 6-module program.

Standard 6 – From $8,000 + GST

  • Aligned to location or industry sector
  • 6 modules with tailored links
  • Daily or weekly release
  • Existing video case studies
  • Shared data from 12 questions to identify vulnerabilities
  • Findings report
  • Program open for 2 months post final module release

Bespoke 6 – From $14,000 + GST

  • Aligned to location or industry sector
  • 6 modules with tailored links
  • Daily or weekly release
  • 6 new local case studies filmed to share lived experience
  • Shared data from 12 questions to identify vulnerabilities
  • Findings report
  • 2 online 1-hour workshops
  • Program open for 4 months post final module release

Optional Extras:

  • Tailored community outreach from $1,500 + GST
  • Local launch event from $1,000 + GST
  • New module development from $2,000 + GST
  • Onsite or online workshops from $1,500 + GST
  • PR & promotional materials from $1,000 + GST


Benefiting every operating business within a community

Resilient Ready Toolkits are a custom-built e-learning solution co-designed in 2021 with black summer bushfire impacted communities.

They include micro-learning modules that focus on 5-minute learning intervals. Modules are released daily or weekly from our growing library of 50+ themes and include lived experience videos and simple worksheets.

Modules include two yes or no questions providing real-time vulnerability data on the local businesses and community organisations.

Benefits include:

  • Build vital knowledge and capabilities in preparedness and resilience
  • Collect real-time vulnerability data for future investment
  • Reduce business resilience gaps such as understanding warnings
  • Strength business community connections and networks
  • Activate an all-hazards approach to local business culture
  • Learn from lived experience.

Frequently asked questions

What are Toolkits?

Formerly known as the Business Community Resilience (BCR) Toolkit, our Resilient Ready Toolkits are a custom-build e-learning solution co-designed in 2021 with black summer bushfire impacted communities.

They include micro-learning modules that focus on 5-minute learning intervals. Modules are released daily or weekly from our growing library of 50+ themes and include lived experience videos and simple worksheets.

Modules include two yes or no questions providing real-time vulnerability data on the local businesses and community organisations.

How do they build resilience?

Led by nudge-theory, our e-learning system helps business communities focus on:

  • Business viability and sustainability
  • Risk understanding and disaster preparedness
  • Strengthening social ties and connections

We work with you to select the right module themes to get your local businesses and community organisations resilient and ready for the future.

How does it work?

Step  1 — Select a Standard or Bespoke Program

Every toolkit program is different and developed in conjunction with funders. We start with the outcome you aim to achieve, then work with you to select the best number of modules including their themes.

  • Standard programs include modules, local links and worksheets with case studies from past programs.
  • Bespoke programs include the above replacing past program case studies with new local people sharing their lived experience (who are paid for their time) as well as online workshops.

The number of modules is purposely agile, programs can also be run regionally or state-wide.

Step 2 — Localised content

We integrate links to locally relevant information or organisations such as Rural Financial Counsellors for our Financial Hardship module.

  • Standard programs will include localised links relevant to modules.
  • Bespoke programs will co-design module content specific to your location, industry or program theme.

We offer options to film local case studies to embed experiences of your local business people.

Step 3 — Module Release

We release all modules as guided by your tailored program. All participating businesses or community organisations across your group receive and complete the Tailored Toolkit program together.

Module alerts are sent via email or text, as chosen by participants. Upon release, each module can be accessed for the program duration with individual toolkits available for participants to download.

Step 4 — Workshops and Data

We offer online and/or in-person workshops delivered within your Bespoke or in addition to your Standard option. At the end of the program we share all data collected to help identify, and thereafter reduce, local vulnerabilities across the business community.

What are the benefits?

Offering a Resilient Ready Toolkit program brings many benefits to funders:

  • Build vital knowledge and capabilities in preparedness and resilience
  • Collect real-time vulnerability data for future investment
  • Reduce business resilience gaps such as understanding warnings
  • Strength business community connections and networks
  • Activate an all-hazards approach to local business culture
  • Learn from lived experience.

For participants, a Toolkit can:

  • Help keep them in business
  • Give them a better understanding of their business and community
  • Reduce risks, including financial ones
  • Help them plan for disasters
  • Allow them to learn new skills and gain knowledge
  • Build networks and connections
  • Make small changes that will have a big impact.

If you take the time to help your local business community get in the right position in the good times, they’ll be better prepared for the hard times ahead.

Tell us more

Connect with us to discuss how our Toolkits can help your community.

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Ready to get started?