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Audiences / Emergency Services

Let’s think different
and work better

Are you an emergency services organisation (ESO) looking to build connections and strengthen engagement with your local business communities?

At Resilient Ready, we know first-hand the important role emergency services organisations play in communities. We also know the essential role of business owners, managers and employees.

Our commitment to support the notion of ‘shared responsibility’ drives us to empower multi-stakeholder collaborations. To achieve this, we actively include and collaborate with emergency services organisations in the delivery of our micro-learning programs, workshops and training events.

We work with:

  • ESOs at the state level
  • ESOs at the local level, including volunteer brigades and units

how we can help you

Solutions that build disaster resilience

Our Resilient Ready solutions bring economic and social benefits to emergency services and communities – in the good times and bad.

Ready to get started?